Church of Christ
in Idaho Falls

Children and Youth Ministry
The Children’s Ministry of the Idaho Falls Church of Christ exists as a tool for families to help children grow in wisdom in stature and in favor with God and men.
The Idaho Falls Church of Christ Children’s Ministry exists to help children grow...
...In Knowledge
Our hard-working volunteers are dedicated to providing the children of Idaho Falls with a biblical education. We believe that a knowledge of God’s Word is foundational for the spiritual development of children.
...In Relationships
We provide opportunities for our children to develop relationships with God and each other. We place great emphasis on service as an opportunity for children to learn the value of showing God’s love to others. Serving others teaches our children that they can share the love of God. When they see this love in action, they understand Him better. Of course, we also have a lot of fun together making friends that will last a lifetime.
Leadership Training for Christ
Beginning in 3rd grade, our children participate in LTC. Through this exciting program, boys and girls work with parent coaches to develop skills in singing, Bible reading, sign-language, art, puppets, scripture challenges, service projects and much more. Usually the weekend following Easter we travel to Richland, Washington for a huge convention to display our talents.
Church Camp
The Youth of our congregation look forward to attending Yellowstone Bible Camp located in Pray, Montana. Yellowstone Bible Camp provides camp for ages 3rd grade all the way up to graduated Seniors. This is always an unforgettable time of worship and Bible study for our young people.
Pew Packers
This is a time of praise and Bible lesson for infants through 4th grade. Before the lesson, our minister has time with this age group to sing VBS-type songs and have a short lesson on their level. If you are visiting, you are invited to bring your kids to the front and enjoy this time.